Peter Busch_min

Peter Busch

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Peter Busch

Peter works for Mobility Strategy of the Bosch Group on connectivity innovations for the Mobility Business Units as Director Technology Management.

He has 35+ years of experience in several IT roles and holds a university degree in Business Informatics and worked for his own SW Startup, JP Morgan, Sun Microsystems and the Robert Bosch Group.

His interests are all IoT-, AI- and agent technologies, leads a 20+ million publicly funded Decentralization project for the future highly connected traffic and is Co-Founder and Chair of the Fetch.AI Foundation.

Albert Bengston_min

Albert Bengtson

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Albert Bengtson is the co-author of the book “Principles of Intrapreneurial Capital” and a co-founder of the 4C Model. He has a background in economics with deep expertise in concept development for advanced technology. Albert is passionate about supporting companies through the most chaotic phases of a project’s inception. As an entrepreneur, he founded several companies, one of which won Elon Musk’s annual Developer Challenge award. For several decades, he has worked with coaching intrapreneurial talent and managing corporate innovation. This experience is essential for successfully scaling and capitalizing on AI investments.


Joe Appleton

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